Frequently Asked Questions on Personal Injuries Resulting from Motor Vehicle Accidents

Posted on: 22 August 2016

Road carnage incidents are some of the occurrences that you would want to imagine yourself being a part of. Unfortunately, they do happen and sometimes lead to both injuries and loss of property. When this happens, the initial step is to identify who is at fault or who violated the basic traffic rules and caused another person to suffer the damages of the aftermath. Thereafter, reasonable compensation can be given to the victims to help them in recovery and restoring their damaged property. However, this isn't a walk in the park in some cases, considering the complex nature of car accidents. Here are some commonly asked questions on personal injuries to help you gain better insight:     

What Is the Most Important Legal Consideration Regarding a Personal Injury?

After the accident has happened and led to a personal injury, note that the law requires you to mitigate your damages. Basically, this means that you should act in the best way possible to reduce damage by doing that which is necessary to improve your physical wellbeing. This includes complying with medical check-ups or first aid procedures carried out on the scene together with the subsequent medical procedures recommended by medical practitioners attending to you. In this way, it is easy for your lawyer to negotiate compensation for you. Failing to corporate and respond to the recommended medical procedures can easily be mistaken for an ill motive to make a fortune out of your injury. In the end, you may not be accorded the reasonable compensation that you deserve.

What Do You Need to Validate Your Personal Insurance Compensation Claims?

For you to be accorded the reasonable compensation that you deserve, you need to keep accurate records of the damages that have resulted from your personal injury. This include medical reports prepared by registered practitioners, medical bills and information on lost wages without any exaggerations. Present valid payslips from your employer or bank statements that can be used to estimate how much income you would have received for the period that you have been injured. Note that most insurance firms are risk averse and look to lower your claim as much as possible. Therefore, you should work with a lawyer to ensure that you receive reasonable compensation.

What Happens When You Are also at Fault in an Accident?

If you had a hand in the accident, this does not mean that you are not entitled to any compensation. The law provides for comparative fault, a case where your financial recovery is reduced by the presumed percentage that you were to blame for the accident.
