Why You May Still Need a Family Lawyer Post Divorce

Posted on: 26 September 2016

For most people, putting ink to paper to mark the end of their marriage may give them a sense of freedom. Granted, you may not be legally bound to your former spouse anymore. Nevertheless, do not be so quick to delete your lawyer's number. After getting divorced, your life will still be evolving. The children will be growing up, you may opt to get remarried and even financial situations may change. As such, you may still need the legal counsel of a family lawyer to help you transition and adjust to these new situations. This is because some change may require filing for new proceedings or modifying previous arrangements. The following are some of the reasons why you may still need a family lawyer post-divorce.

Modification of child support

After going through a divorce, it is prudent to keep your lawyer updated on what your children's monthly expenses are. Typically, when child support payments are determined in court, it is based on when you and your spouse were living together. The period after the divorce proceedings is crucial to giving you a better understanding of what the financial responsibilities would be in regards to the children. After a few months, you and your lawyer can have a consult where they would advise you whether the current child support payments are sufficient or if you would be better off requesting an increase. On the other hand, if you are the one paying the child support and find your financial situation has changed negatively, you can also file to have the payments amended to reflect this change in income.

Modification of custody arrangements

Another aspect that may need amending post-divorce is the custody arrangements that were decreed in court. It should be noted that the feasibility of custody arrangements can only be found out once the arrangements are put into place. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find that the custody arrangements that you have agreed on may not be as convenient as you assumed they would be. Factors such as changing jobs, commuting distance and more could create problems that were previously unforeseen. If you would like to change the arrangement, you would need a family lawyer to file for you a petition for modifying your parental responsibilities. These custody arrangements can then be changed to you getting more or less time with your kids depending on the situation you are facing.
