Migrating To Australia? 3 Strategies To Make Your Children's Move Seamless

Posted on: 30 September 2016

Getting your permanent residency after a stressful application process can feel fantastic, since you'll finally reap the benefits of your hard work. But after the visa application process for you and your kids, you need to find a way to prepare the young ones for moving to Australia. The move can be tough on children because they have to give up their friends, schools and everything familiar to them. This commentary offers strategies to make your children's move as seamless as possible.

Give Children The Gift Of Inclusion

Your kids are probably going to be more nervous than you about the move to Australia, so don't exclude them from your plans. Instead, include and explain everything to them from the beginning, so that they feel more confident of your decision. Point out the positive attributes of the city and suburb you are moving to, especially if there are some interesting activities for children. For example, if you decide to move to Parramatta in Sydney, show them the swimming pool centre and the Parramatta Park where they will have ample opportunity to enjoy activities like cycling, swimming, cricket, football and rugby. By involving them, you will boost their confidence and get them excited about the Australian move.

Build Up Their Excitement About Their New School

Find a way to excite your children's interest about their new school so they have something to look forward to when they arrive in Australia. Keep in mind that not every child is going to be excited about the math or English curriculum, so look at opportunities that arouse their excitement. For example, if your son is an avid rugby fan, show him the rugby program offered at the school. If your daughter enjoys drama and theatre, give her detailed information about the after-school drama program. Let your children understand that their new school in Australia isn't only about studies, but seeks to deliver well-rounded education.

Plan Your Move To Correspond With The Start Of The School Term In Australia

Most school terms in Australia start towards the end of January or first week of February. It's always good to plan your move in a way that corresponds with the start of the local school term. This way your kids don't have to join midway through an already running term because this can be complicated. Arriving in advance will allow you and your kids to walk around the new school, so that they familiarise themselves with the surroundings. If you can arrange for a meeting with the principal before the term starts, it can make the new school feel less daunting for kids. If possible, try to organise some play time with other students to help your kids feel good about their new environment. 

Migrating to Australia is exciting for you. Get your kids on board too with these strategies.
