3 Tips for Reducing Divorce Conflict

Posted on: 2 January 2019

Divorce is rarely easy for everyone involved. Not only is it expensive, but it can also easily become a whirlwind of emotions between you and your partner. Divorce provides many different opportunities for conflict, such as fighting over child custody or post-marriage finances. Without realising it, you may end up being consumed with rage, stress, and anxiety.

Here are 3 simple tips you can try to ease the tension and conflict that comes with undergoing divorce.

1. Control how you communicate with your former spouse

While communication is a good thing in marriage, it can easily become grounds for constant conflict in divorce. A healthy approach is to control how you communicate with your ex. Avoid common communication channels such as text messages or chatting. Communication channels such as texting and chatting can easily deteriorate into arguments that are emotionally involving. This is especially true if you're not on good terms with your former spouse.

Instead, use more formal and easily verifiable channels such as email. With email, you can always consult your family lawyer to determine if whatever your ex is communicating is appropriate. You also have more time to digest the message and craft an appropriate response.

2. Work with a solicitor to handle financial disputes

Financial matters are a leading cause of conflict during divorce. In most cases, a judge or other neutral party will determine how they will handle marital property, child support and other financial matters. If you have any issues with the current financial arrangement, work with a family law firm to have such issues reviewed.

Your solicitor will also be the primary arbitrator for filing any complaints with the court and seeking recourse for various actions. Avoid directly confronting your ex-spouse if you have issues with your current financial arrangement.

3. Channel your energy to other positive activities

If you recently underwent a bitter divorce, thinking about your marriage can be emotionally draining. In fact, having idle time on your hands can easily cause you to carry out acts motivated by bitterness.

During and after divorce, take time to focus on yourself (and your children, if any). Don't drink away your sorrows. Instead, get a gym membership to exercise more often, take up a sport or sign up with a counsellor to ensure that your mental health is top notch. Remaining busy and engaged will enable you to channel your energy to the right activities.
